
Coconuts Jakarta Transportation

Some may say that Jakarta is decades behind other metropolises in terms of having a decent integrated public transportation, and they’d be right - at least temporarily. Jakarta is only recently playing catch up by building its first subway system called the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), the first line of which should be completed by 2019. Otherwise, public transport is a mess in Jakarta. The capital’s roads are filled with hardly regulated public transportation options such as Angkutan Kota (Angkot) minivans, old dilapidated buses like the Kopaja and Metro Mini, and Bajajs. Taxis are also very common, but many of them are already in states of disrepair. The rise of ride-hailing service apps such as Uber has been welcomed in Jakarta, at least by customers looking for convenience and more comfort in their commute. One app that totally changed the scene was Go-Jek, a local transportation company that allows users to hail ojek motorcycle taxis for personal transportation, food delivery, and even package delivery. Jakartans now have many ride-hailing apps to choose from at low prices, as companies compete for customers by outdoing each other in giving discounted rates. Jakartans also generally have their own private vehicles. Most of these vehicles are motorcycles, which contribute greatly to indiscipline on the roads. Car owners are greatly responsible for traffic jams too, as it’s quite common for many of Jakarta’s wealthier citizens to own more cars than they actually need.

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