Johnny, celeb cat of Thai silver screen, dies at 12

Photos: Johnny the Copper Cat / Facebook
Photos: Johnny the Copper Cat / Facebook

Johnny, one of Thailand’s brightest feline stars whose fame propelled him to the silver screen, died in the early hours of this morning. He was 12.

Johnny the Copper Cat was back home in the southern province of Ranong province today after dying in a critical care unit where he’d been hospitalized for several days due to a bout of illness relating to his diabetes and kidney disease.

In the pantheon of internet-famous cats, few were as beloved as Johnny. We followed his career closely over the years, including his film debut in a 2015 rom-com and unusual pastimes.

Johnny was also known for taking swipes at current events, whether he was taking the piss out of a disgraced jet-setting monk or satirizing scandal-tainted junta officials.

Photo: Johnny the Copper Cat / Facebook
Photo: Johnny the Copper Cat / Facebook

Tragedy touched his life as well. Not long after Cat a Wabb! hit theaters, Johnny’s gender-bending feline co-star “Charlie gay cat” was viciously murdered by a stray dog.

Word of Johnny’s death spread quickly online, where it was met with an outpouring of condolences.

“So sorry to see. My girlfriend and I (and our pets) have loved the photos and adventures of Johnny for many years, he is such a sweet little guy and always brightens our day. It has been very sad to see his decline in health over the past few weeks,” wrote user Sage Shannon. “Our condolences to your family. Love you always little Johnny.”

“Johnny will always be loved and remembered by everyone,” Chumchan Chamniprasart wrote.

Three nights of prayer were being organized in his memory in Ranong’s Kra Buri district.


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