
Coconuts Bali Business

The business section of Coconuts Bali covers the latest on the island’s economy, banking, trade, entrepreneurial spirits, and other fun money-related stuff. We say fun because business stories here sure can be entertaining. This is Bail, where cashiers hand customers back candies instead of change—though that was supposed to be disallowed, true story. A current business phenomenon in Indonesia, and in Bali especially, is a credit craze. Motorbikes, cars, iPhones, and property that normally wouldn’t be accessible to the everyday Joe are suddenly super affordable with small down payments and years-long payment plans. At the end of the day, most of our stories come back to Bali’s biggest money maker, the exploding tourism industry. Is it a bubble, soon to pop? That’s to be seen. And let’s also discuss some of Bali’s tried and true but at times struggling industries: agriculture and fishing. We’ve also got plenty of stories in the business section to cover these challenging markets.

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