Coconuts Bali Transportation

Bali, paradise island that it may be, is macet, macet, macet (traffic-filled) in many parts, especially in the south. Roads are usually narrow and too often in need of repair, with numerous potholes;  some roads are even collapsing in places from all the heavy trucks. Trucks, let’s talk about trucks — they are literally everywhere on the island as the mentality here is “build, build, build”. As the island becomes more and more developed, trucks are needed to transport construction materials. There are also plenty of buses, filled with tourists, ready to run motorbikes off the road if drivers aren’t careful. Unfortunately, a lot of our transportation coverage is related to such accidents, that usually occur on narrow roads, when someone tries to pass and gets trapped in a head-on collision. Not surprisingly, with giant vehicles on the road, shared with motorbikes, it’s usually the people on bikes that fear for their lives. Public transportation is almost totally lacking in Bali, so you can bet most people living here use their own motorbike. For visitors though, the big trend in transportation at the moment is ride-hailing apps. Obviously the bulk of people visiting Bali (and heaven knows there are loads of visitors) do not have their own transportation. As transport apps get more and more popular as they are quick and easy to use, hold drivers accountable, and have fixed, predictable rates, trouble brews in paradise when traditional transport gets challenged, putting money-making for some in jeopardy.

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