Again: Woman gets leg violently slashed open in Denpasar, Bali

It seems the abhorrent trend of slashing women’s legs is back in Denpasar. 

Somewhat graphic photos of a young woman showing her leg deeply sliced open are going viral on Bali social media.

Posted to Instagram on Sept. 6 under the account @dayuanjani, the woman says she was attacked when returning home from work very early in the morning, around 3:37 am, headed in the direction of Tukad Baru. 

The woman wrote in her post that she followed her perp towards the intersection between Jl. Taman Pancing and Jl. Tukad Baru, but her attacker turned towards Pemogan and she couldn’t catch him, plus she thought it best to seek immediate medical attention and go to Sanglah Hospital because of her huge gaping wound. 

The attacker was driving a black Vario motorbike with a black/brown jacket and his license plate was not visible because the rear light on his bike was off, the woman wrote. 

She also wrote that her wound was 22 centimeters long—you can see it’s huge from her pictures—and that she needed 17 stitches. 



“Be careful, ladies who come home early in the morning,” she cautioned, “so there aren’t any more victims like me.”

And a warning: “Tell your friends and family (about the incident) to remind you to be more careful.” 

Photos have also been circulating on Facebook of the woman’s bloody leg:



Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen young Indonesian women under attack in Denpasar. In just a week-long period in December 2015, there were two different reported incidents of women getting their legs slashed at random

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