​“Wonderful Indonesia” ranked 47th “best” tourism brand in the world

Indonesia first introduced the “Wonderful Indonesia” tourism campaign in 2011. This year’s Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ranked “Wonderful Indonesia” 47th out of 144 countries’ campaigns.

While 47th place might not seem that great, it’s a huge improvement over Indonesia’s previous place in the rankings, when it was scrapping the bottom of the pack at 140th out of 144. 

Remember that Indonesia’s previous multi-year campaign tourism campaign was the creatively named “Visit Indonesia?” Yeah, we’d have to agree that “Wonderful Indonesia” is definitely an improvement on that.

“I commend the significant achievement of our country branding for being ranked the 47th best this year from the earlier 140th position among 144 countries,” Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said, as quoted by Antara

Arief said his ministry was determined to continue improving the power of the “Wonderful Indonesia” brand by utilizing the logo on a variety of platforms. 

We might humbly suggest that the Tourism Ministry drop the “Wonderful Indonesia” campaign for something slightly more evocative, perhaps something like “Totally Awesome Indonesia” or “Indonesia: It Doesn’t Suck, Really!”


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