Indonesia was once praised as a bastion of religious diversity and moderation, but the country’s reputation for pluralism has taken a major hit in recent years due to a rise in fundamentalism, the politicization of piety and increasing acts of intolerance towards the country’s minorities.
But actions such as this beautiful performance by a student choir from the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Salatiga at a local church’s Easter Sunday service show that the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (the official national motto of Indonesia meaning “Unity in Diversity”) is still strong among many of the country’s young people.
The IAIN choir group performed this gorgeous version of “Day by Day” at the Easter service of the Sidomukti Javanese Christian Church (GKJ) in Salatiga, Central Java. Numerous videos of the performance were posted online and have since gone viral.
It should be noted that the city of Salatiga has a reputation for being one of the most tolerant in all of Indonesia. Last year, the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace, an Indonesia-based NGO that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, ranked Salatiga 3rd in their “Tolerant Cities Index”, just behind Medan and Pematangsiantar (Jakarta was ranked the least tolerant city in Indonesia in that same index).
Salatiga also earned praise from many last year for rejecting the formation of a local chapter of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), a hardline Islamist group that has been behind numerous criminal acts of intolerance throughout the country.
But Muslim students in Salatiga were hardly the only ones to honor their Christian brothers and sisters on Easter. This Facebook post, which includes a video of the IAIN student’s performance, also shows a photo of teenager from a mosque in Sentani, Jayapura, conveying their Easter greeting to the church across the street from their mosque with a banner.
The banner says: Happy Easter 2018 To All Friends & Christians who celebrate. Together let’s protect unity and religious tolerance.
This is also a good time to remember the viral video from last year of the Muslim woman in Bogor who sang a soaring rendition of ‘Ave Maria’ at a church funeral as a final tribute to her friend and was widely praised as a shining example of Indonesia’s truly tolerant spirit.
So while we are worried about Indonesia’s potential for further intolerance, we also remain optimistic that the people in these posts represent the true face of the country’s future, one in which we can all stand together, united and in harmony.