​Unknown assailant stabs high school boy in Metro Mini bus

A Metro Mini Bus in Jakarta

Faza Candikya Dhanadi, a 16-year-old high school student, took the Metro Mini bus from the Kampung Melayu terminal on his way home yesterday. As the bus passed Buaran, a man got on the bus and sat next to Faza.

“The suspect then threatened the victim with a knife, and asked for the victim’s cell phone,” said Chalid Thayib, head of the Crime Investigation Unit at the East Jakarta Police, as quoted by Merdeka.

But Faza refused to hand over his cell phone. The suspect then stabbed Faza twice in the abdomen.

“Because the victim did not hand over [his cell phone], he was stabbed in the abdomen twice. And then the suspect ran away,” Chalid said.

Another passenger on the bus came to Faza’s aid and took him to Islam Hospital in Pondok Kopi.

“The witness helped and took [Faza] to Islam Hospital. Now the victim is being treated at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital,” Chalid said.

The police are still hunting down the suspect. They have obtained the suspect’s physical description from several eyewitness accounts.


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