Stop the Flo: Toll road officers scrutinized for halting driver with touchless payment system

Video screengrab from dashcam footage of a driver being stopped by toll road officers after using a touchless payment system (@dashcam_owners_indonesia)
Video screengrab from dashcam footage of a driver being stopped by toll road officers after using a touchless payment system (@dashcam_owners_indonesia)

Having cool technology is one thing, making it part of everyday norm is another matter entirely, as this story illustrates.

Recently, dashcam footage went viral depicting a brief interaction between a driver and a couple of officers stationed at a toll gate.

The driver, who equipped his car with the Flo touchless toll payment system, was stopped by the officers when it appeared that he did not stop to make a payment at the gate.

Flo was launched on a trial basis by toll road operator Jasa Marga in 2020. There has been no official launch for the service since, and it’s only available at a handful of toll gates in Indonesia, where it’s far more commonplace for drivers to tap their e-payment cards at toll gate machines.

“I’m using Flo, what of it?” the driver challenged the officers when he was confronted in the video.

To be fair, as some commenters in the post pointed out, it may appear that the driver was tailgating the car in front of him, which may have come across to the officers that he was trying to beat the gate before it shut.

However, some commenters shared that they have also been stopped for using Flo.

“I have also experienced this. Were the officers not briefed that we can pay our toll fees using Flo?” one user commented.

All that said, we likely won’t see a similar incident play out in the future now that Flo is embedded deeper in the public’s conscience thanks to this viral video.


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