Police uncover yet another underage prostitution ring in Kalibata City apartments

Kalibata City, an apartment complex located in the Pancoran district of South Jakarta, has been targeted by police for housing illegal prostitution operations involving underage sex workers in the past. Sadly, new evidence suggests that it still very much is.

The South Jakarta Police yesterday arrested a pimp, identified by the initial N, at an apartment in Kalibata City. N was accused of running an underage prostitution ring for the past 2.5 years. He advertised his girls – amount and ages unspecified – on social media to an exclusive crowd.

“Customers must go through certain processes, hang out in certain crowds, and only then will they get sent the names [of prostitutes] available,” said South Jakarta Police Chief Tubagus Ade Hidayat, as quoted by Merdeka yesterday.

The police said N charged customers Rp 350K-500K for a 45 minute session. All transactions and services were carried out at an apartment unit in Kalibata City.

N could face multiple charges for his alleged crime, including 10 years in prison for child trafficking and at least a year for enabling prostitution.

Just over a year ago, the police busted an underground sex trade operation in Kalibata City that involved girls as young as 14.


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