Police deny crazy rumors of shoot-on-sight orders and 500 Chinese nationals coming to defend Ahok at Friday FPI rally

During their last rally against Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama (for supposedly insulting the Holy Book of Quran, despite the video evidence against that claim), thousands of members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and other hardline organizations chanted slogans of religious hatred and death threats about the governor.

FPI and its ilk are planning another, even bigger anti-Ahok rally this Friday and the police are already having to squash the crazy, paranoid rumors that have been circulating about it on social media.

The first ridiculous hoax being spread online is that 500 Chinese citizens are coming to Jakarta to attend the rally to defend Ahok (yeah, seriously).

“It’s a hoax! There is no truth behind that information,” said Jakarta Police spokesperson Awi Setiyono to Detik on Sunday.

The hoax message going around social media tried to give itself an air of credibility by saying the Chinese nationals had arrived on a specific flight on Friday evening and were staying at a certain hotel. But Awi said that they checked both the flight and the hotel and could find no sign of the fictitious Red Army of Ahok defenders.

Another, much more dangerous rumor that went viral on social media is that the police forces assigned to secure Friday’s rally have been given order to shoot the protestors at the first sign of trouble.

Unfortunately there is a small bit of truth to this disturbing rumor – Jakarta Police Chief Mochamad Iriawan has given his officers instruction to shoot certain criminals on sight (and said those who weren’t brave enough should have to wear women’s skirts).

However, those statement were twisted to make people believe that protesters had to be paranoid about the police shooting at them.

In fact, Awi said that police securing demonstration are not allowed to carry firearms to avoid situations of escalating violence.

“There is no shoot on sight orders. Police are prohibited from carrying firearms when securing demonstrations, let alone shooting on sight,” Awi said as quoted by Liputan 6.

Awi said that every citizen in the Republic of Indonesia has the right to protest that is protected by the law. He said people shouldn’t believe the rumors going around on messaging apps that there would be a major riot on November 4.

“There are irresponsible parties trying to take advantage of the situation. They want to make Indonesia like a country in the Middle East or Iraq, or at least repeating the 1998 [Indonesian reform riots],” Awi said.

He also noted that the police would have plenty of officers to ensure the protest remained peaceful, including members of the elite Mobile Brigade (Brimob) units and the military.


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