Penguins are ridiculously cute creatures and many Jakartans would be thrilled to get an up-close look at them. But is that any justification for keeping them inside an enclosure inside a mall?
That’s the question being asked after the recent opening of Pingoo restaurant in the brand new Neo Soho mall in West Jakarta, which features an enclosure housing several Humboldt Penguins.
The seafood restaurant is owned and managed by the Jakarta Aquarium, which is also opening up in Neo Soho and is affiliated with Taman Safari (which has also been protested by animal activists in the past).
Yesterday, a group called Organisasi Masyarakat Peduli Satwa (Animal Lovers Association), protested the exploitation of the penguins in front of Neo Soho and Central Park Mall.
Kili Pringgodigdo, the organization’s leader, said keeping the penguins in the artificial enclosure was a form of torture.
“And for what? To give pleasure to human beings who need entertainment? As a means of education, that should be delivered through the restaurant? Give me a break. In this century, there is so much literature, photos, videos and a variety of multimedia materials that can be used as educational tools without exploiting the lives of animals,” Kili said in a press release picked up by Tempo yesterday.
In addition to the protests, there is also a petition to have Pingoo closed down which has accrued nearly 1,000 signature as of the time of writing.
Pingoo’s management, represented by its legal counsel Jeffrey Napitupulu, said that the restaurant had met all the necessary environmental and regulatory guidelines in order to get the proper permits to house and exhibit the penguins.
According to a press release from the restaurant, the penguins are monitored closely by animal keepers from Taman Safari and their habitat is cooled to an appropriate temperature. The penguins housed in the restaurant were born in Taman Safari as part of their penguin breeding and conservation program.
Do you think Pingoo’s penguins are an acceptable attraction or should they be returned to their natural habitat? Let us know what you think on our Facebook page.