Kid playing with latto-latto in hospital wait room is the inevitable next step in the evolution of the annoying craze

Kid playing with a latto-latto in a hospital wait room. Photo: Video screengrab
Kid playing with a latto-latto in a hospital wait room. Photo: Video screengrab

The ringing in your ears might have been the result of the constant clackety-clack of latto-latto (clackers), which have seen such a massive revival among kids in Indonesia recently that the toy has even invaded a hospital wait room.

The retro toy, also known as Ker-Bangers, was popular in the US in the ‘60s and ‘70s before they were taken off the market over safety concerns. It has enjoyed a resurgence in Indonesia, where it’s known as latto-latto, since late 2022.

Given how ubiquitous latto-latto clacking has been recently, it was only a matter of time before the toy was played where peace and quiet are paramount. Like a hospital wait room.

It’s not clear when and where the viral video was taken. Nevertheless, the Indonesian Hospitals Association (Persi) has issued a reminder to parents to keep their kids’ latto-latto away from medical facilities.

“[Hospital visitors] are required to observe calm, comfort, and safety measures. This is for consideration towards other patients,” Persi spokesperson Anjari Umarjiyanto told Kompas yesterday.

It might be wise to keep latto-latto away from children to begin with, lest they end up in hospital. Indonesia had one of its first reported latto-latto casualties recently involving an 8-year-old boy, who required three stitches in his right eye after the balls shattered in front of his face. His vision is reportedly still impaired, and we wish him a full and speedy recovery.


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