Jakarta police uncover prostitution ring involving underage children in Kalibata City apartments

Kalibata City Apartments
Kalibata City Apartments

Kalibata City is one of the most infamous apartment complexes in Jakarta, with so many reports of prostitution and narcotics-related arrests over the years that the government has threatened to take drastic actions against its management several times. Yet its problems persist.

Today, the Jakarta Metro Police said they had uncovered a prostitution ring involving 32 women, five of whom were underage, in Kalibata City recently. Three alleged pimps have been arrested.

“In relation to Kalibata City, the Jakarta Metro Police received information regarding child prostitution in the South Jakarta apartment complex,” Jakarta Metro Police Director of General Crimes Nico Afinto told the media today, as quoted by Detik.

Nico said residents of the apartments gave the information to the police after they grew suspicious of one of the alleged pimps. Police say the suspects promoted their sex services using an app.

Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Director of General Crimes Adey Ary Syam said that at least 17 apartment units in Kalibata City were being used for the prostitution scheme, and that two of the suspects had access to them because they were property agents.

The suspects were charged with facilitating immoral behavior as stipulated in Article 296 of the KUHP (Penal Code), which is punishable by up to one year and four months in prison, as well as facilitating prostitution as stipulated in Article 506 of the KUHP, which is punishable by up to one year in prison.

The police are also expanding their investigation to include those who might have been complicit in the prostitution ring, such as the neighborhood heads (RT) or security guards.


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