​Jakarta Police deploys 2,000 personnel to discipline traffic leading up to Ramadan next month

Starting today, the Jakarta Police are deploying 2,035 personnel to enforce traffic laws in the lead up to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan next month.

The police operation, dubbed ‘Patuh Jaya 2015’, will run until June 9. It aims to instill discipline into Jakarta’s drivers, particularly in terms of adhering to traffic laws.

“This operation is carried out to decrease traffic violations, particularly those that could cause accidents and deaths… there will be special attention paid to two-wheeled vehicles so that they won’t dangerously drive against traffic and disobey other traffic laws, as well as parking illegally,” said Jakarta Police Chief Unggung Cahyono, as quoted by Tempo today. 

Ramadan begins on June 17, at which point the police will commence ‘Operation Ketupat Jaya 2015’, which is also aimed at enforcing public discipline in Jakarta during the fasting month.


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