Infamous German professional beggar/partier deported from Indonesia today

German national Benjamin Holsts’ latest odyssey of begging and partying across Asia came to an end today with his deportation from Jakarta. 

If you aren’t familiar with Holst’s exploits and only came across him begging on the streets, the sight of his giant swollen foot might make you feel sorry enough for him that you’d give him all your change. But he has been exploiting people’s sympathy since at least 2014 to get money which he then used to party it up across Asia.

Earlier this month, he was spotted in several places in Bali, begging by day and posting pictures of himself partying in Kuta at night.

Holst then reappeared in Surabaya where he was arrested on Sunday, September 11, after police caught him panhandling on the streets there. He was detained for one week while arrangements were being made for his deportation. He was forced to buy a ticket for himself from Surabaya to Jakarta and this morning he flew from Jakarta to Germany (though some reports say he is flying to Denmark). Security personnel was assigned to escort him throughout his trip to make sure he left the country, which he is banned from returning to.

“At 10.00 am, the bule from Germany was deported to his country. Riding a Batik Air flight from Juanda International Airport in Surabaya to Jakarta, then to Germany,” said Budi Sulaksana, the Head of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in East Java this morning as quoted by Vivanews.

This is the last public post on Holst’s Facebook wall:

The German has been internet famous ever since he was found begging with his swollen foot in the streets of Bangkok in 2014, collecting money from concerned Thais. The German embassy was phoned for help and thousands of Thai baht were raised locally to help him out—only for him to skip out on the flight that had been arranged for him to get back home. 

He was later found using the money for partying in Pattaya, sex tourism capital of the world.

After getting deported from Thailand for “duping the entire nation,” the German was spotted in Denmark and more recently in Manila

Will Holst dare to come back to Asia to attempt his scamming shenanigans once again? Only time can tell.


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