Icy Monsoon: BMKG says expect the occasional hail until April

A hail droplet in Surabaya on Feb. 21, 2022: Photo: Twitter
A hail droplet in Surabaya on Feb. 21, 2022: Photo: Twitter

Parts of Indonesia saw rare hail recently in this wet and chilly tail end of the monsoon season, but officials warn that the extreme weather won’t let up for a couple more months.

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) today said that hail, as well as storms accompanying heavy rain, may occur throughout March and April due to a transition between seasons.

“We advise the public to remain vigilant to the possibility of the occurrence of extreme weather and the impact they may cause,” BMKG Meteorology Department Deputy Head Guswanto said.

Hail and strong winds toppled trees and damaged buildings in the East Java capital Surabaya yesterday, with footage taken from the city showing the terrifying extent of the extreme weather. Thankfully, there were no reports of human casualties.

Elsewhere in East Java, hail also fell in the cities of Madiun and Nganjuk yesterday. On Sunday, hail fell in Sumatra’s Lampung Province.


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