Here are the exact times you can watch tomorrow’s solar eclipse in Jakarta!

So you have hopefully heard by now there is going to be a very rare total solar eclipse taking tomorrow morning. Due to the alignment of the sun, the moon and the Earth, the total eclipse will only be observable from a limited number of places throughout the world, including 11 provinces in Indonesia, as illustrated by this chart from NASA.

A chart showing the exact areas where tomorrow’s eclipse will be visible. Credit: NASA

Unfortunately, Jakarta is not one of the places where you can witness the total solar eclipse. However, astronomers do say that those of us in the capital will still be able to witness a near total eclipse. 

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN), the partial solar eclipse visible from Jakarta will feature the moon covering up about 88.76 percent of the sun. But you’ll have to be up quite early to catch a glimpse of this astronomical spectacle.

In Jakarta, we will see the sun first start to overlap with the moon at about 6:20 am on Wednesday morning. The moon will continue to move over the face of the sun, eventually making it look like a crescent moon.

The two celestial bodies will continue to overlap for about an hour and the maximum eclipse of 88.76% will take place at 7:21 am

The sun and the moon will then part ways over the next hour and the eclipse will officially be completely over at 8:32 am.

Unfortunately the weather forecast for tomorrow morning in Jakarta does not seem like it will be ideal for eclipse viewing. According to’s hourly forecast at the time of writing, the skies over Jakarta are predicted be partially cloudy from 6am to 8am after a night filled with light rain.

But as we all know, weather predictions are not always accurate, especially on an hour-to-hour basis, so we can still hope for clear skies tomorrow morning. 

Just remember that if you are going to try and watch the eclipse, be sure not to look directly at it but instead watch it through a special viewer or pinhole projector so that you don’t damage your eyes (we assume you’re smart enough to know that already but we have to put that in in case somebody goes blind and tries to sue us).


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