Doctor got ‘satisfaction’ from seeing his roommates consume his semen: police

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A doctor who made Indonesians collectively gag by allegedly discreetly ejaculating onto his roommates’ meals derived pleasure from the act, police said, as he faces jail time for sexual crimes.

The suspect, a resident doctor at a university hospital in Semarang, Central Java who goes by the initials DP, confessed to having mixed his semen into the meals of his roommates, a colleague and his wife, for them to unknowingly consume on three different occasions when they lived together.

“The suspect confessed to getting satisfaction when other people enjoyed consuming his sperm,” Central Java Police spokesman Iqbal Alqudusy told reporters yesterday.

The female victim, through her legal representation from the Central Java Legal Resources Center for Gender Equality and Human Rights (LRC-KJHAM), said she first became suspicious that her and her husband’s food had been tampered with when she noticed that their food cover had often moved whenever they weren’t around.

The victim then set up hidden cameras in the house, and acquired video footage of DP peeping at her while in the shower before masturbating and ejaculating onto her and her husband’s meals.

According to reports, DP, who has a wife and children living in another city, first ejaculated on his roommates’ food in October 2020. After he was caught, he was reported to the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) in December 2020. 

Police this week moved quickly to detain and charge DP with indecency, which carries a maximum punishment of two years and eight months in prison, after the women’s rights groups went to the media and made the allegations against DP public.

“The suspect has been charged and he is now being evaluated by a psychiatrist,” Iqbal said.


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