Celebrity Islamic preacher Abdul Somad reported to police for saying crosses contain ‘infidel genies’

Ustad Abdul Somad Photo: @ustadzabdulsomad_official / Instagram
Ustad Abdul Somad Photo: @ustadzabdulsomad_official / Instagram

One of Indonesia’s most popular Islamic preachers, Ustad Abdul Somad (often referred to as UAS for short), has been reported to the police by multiple groups over a video that went viral recently in which he made controversial comments about the Christian cross that many say were blasphemous and insulting.

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UAS, who has risen to national fame in recent years for his crowd-pleasing sermons and colloquial style, is under fire after a clip of him speaking at a mosque in Pekanbaru from three years ago resurfaced on social media over the weekend and quickly went viral. 

In the clip, UAS is taking questions from the audience, one of which is about why they get the shivers whenever they see a crucifix. After reading the question, UAS answers “Satan!” to the laughs of his audience.

UAS then goes on to talk extensively about crucifixes containing “jin kafir” (“jin” being a term for supernatural entities akin to genies or demons in Islam and “kafir” being a term for those who do not believe in Islam, often translated as “infidel”), including in the context of the crosses used at hospitals. He advises those listening to cover up such symbols because if their family member is dying at the hospital they will be called over by the jin kafir to denounce Islam in their final moments.

The video clip instantly ignited controversy online, with many saying UAS had insulted Christianity and calling for him to be prosecuted under Indonesia’s blasphemy laws.

Soon after, a video was released online showing UAS providing “clarifications” about the clip that he gave at a mosque in Riau on Saturday. 


In the clip, UAS says that he was only speaking in response to a question from the congregation and it was given in a closed forum at a mosque and so was only meant for other Muslims. 

“It was a study in a closed mosque, not in a stadium, not in a football field. Not on TV, but only internally to Muslims to explain the questions to Muslims about the crucifix and the position of Jesus,” he said.

His last point was that the sermon was given three years ago during a morning study session and he was surprised that it resurfaced now. But he said he would face the consequences of what he had said, leaving it up to Allah. 

“I will not run away, I will not complain. I will not be afraid, because I do not feel guilty, nor do I think I have damaged the unity and integrity of the nation,” he said. 

Despite that clarification, UAS has already been reported to the police by at least four different parties for blasphemy, including a lecturer at a private university in Jakarta named Manotar Tampubolon, the Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI), a group called Presidium Rakyat Menggugat (PRM) and Horas Bangso Batak (HBB), a Batak community group. 

Manotar reported UAS to the police for violating Indonesia’s controversial Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE), specifically its articles that criminalize the electronic dissemination of information that can cause hatred between different racial and religious groups. 

UU ITE is also the law that former Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama was infamously found guilty of violating in 2017 for allegedly insulting the Quran, a connection Manotar made clear in a statement to the media.

“In our opinion, if indeed the law could be applied to Pak Ahok that it can also be applied to Ustad Abdul Somad, indeed we believe the chance is even greater,” Manotar said on Sunday as quoted by Detik

Ahok was found legally guilty of blasphemy, and his political career was ended, in large part because the country’s most senior Islamic clerical body, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), released a fatwa declaring he had insulted Islam

Despite UAS’ comments about the cross being, arguably, far more inflammatory than anything Ahok had said, MUI has already released a statement declaring that what UAS said could not be considered blasphemy against Christianity because it was given in the context of a sermon to his fellow Muslims.

“It is not appropriate to bring legal action against religious leaders who are preaching religion addressed to followers of their own faith, especially when delivered in special places such as houses of worship,” Fahmi Salim, deputy chairperson of MUI’s Dakwah Commission, said in an official statement received by CNN Indonesia on Sunday. 

Although MUI has given UAS a pass because he was only speaking before other Muslims, the clerical body has called upon police to find out who uploaded and spread the clip online to see if they can be prosecuted for spreading hate speech. 

What does Ahok think about all this? Asked about the controversy on Monday, the Chinese-Christian ex-governor said he had no problem if somebody insulted the Christian cross because it simply meant they did not understand its meaning. 

“For us, the cross is a symbol of God’s glory. So if the cross [is insulted] by people who do not understand, for us it does not matter,” Ahok said yesterday as quoted by Tempo


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