BNN Chief Budi Waseso wants drug traffickers to eat their drugs as punishment

As if the death penalty isn’t excessive enough, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Chief Budi Waseso wants to introduce his own brand of demeaning punishment for convicted drug traffickers.

Speaking during a drug incineration event at the BNN headquarters in East Jakarta yesterday, Budi said he thinks there’s a better way to get rid of the drugs the BNN confiscates than using an incinerator.

“It’s better if they (the traffickers) get rid of [the drugs]. They can eat [the drugs] so they’ll regret [their actions]. Their actions destroy the young generation,” Budi said, as quoted by Warta Kota.

“So if [a trafficker] is caught with tens of kilograms [of drugs], make him eat all of it. There’ll be no need for the death penalty because he will certainly die from consuming all of his drugs.”

We can’t really tell if Budi is speaking figuratively or if he is actually that psychotic when it comes to drug dealers.

At least we can take comfort in the fact that a BNN chief doesn’t actually have the power to create laws and punishments for drug convicts.


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