Angry parents chop the hair off of teacher who punished their kid with a haircut

In Indonesia, some teachers still use disciplinary measure that would be considered quite harsh elsewhere. In addition to corporal punishment, some Indonesian teachers have been known to cut their students’ hair off in class in order to punish and humiliate them.

That is what Jamilah, a 39-year-old part-time teacher in Radak Baru Village in the Kubu Raya district of West Kalimantan, did to one student recently. But the student’s parents did not accept the potong rambut punishment and later took their revenge on the teacher.

“Previously, the teacher had cut the hair of the perpetrators’ child to educate them,” Mempawas Police Chief Dedi Agustono told reporters on Thursday as quoted by Detik.

The student’s parents, Eko Sutarko and Suparno, apparently found Jamilah yesterday sitting with one of her neighbors in the village. And they brought their scissors with them.

“The perpetrator, Suparno, immediately grabbed the victim’s hair and Eko Sunarko immediately cut the victim’s hair with scissors,” Dedi said.

Police received a report about the incident and investigated the case, taking the scissors and Jamilah’s hair as evidence. Both parents were also questioned by the police, but it has not yet been announced what, if any charges they will face. 


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