Today, Jakarta got a lot smarter. At least, we hope so.
Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja officially launched two smart city applications today, both aimed at increasing government efficiency, effectiveness and accountability. Created in cooperation with Google (specifically its Google Enterprise division) the applications allow citizens to report problems in real-time and gives the government (ie Ahok) the ability to monitor officials and how quickly and effectively they follow-up on complaints.
Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Purnama Tjahaja said these apps embody a new model of governance in which citizens themselves take an active role in shaping public policy.
Ahok, who has been talking up the apps as part of his Smart City program, said they cost only Rp 3.5 billion to make – a bargain if they bring the benefits Ahok promises they will.
“I appreciate the Department of Communication and Information Technology for managing to create these applications on a minimal budget,” Ahok said at the launch of the smart city applications at City Hall today as quoted by Berita Jakarta.

Ahok told all of the officials under him, especially subdistrict and village heads, to download CROP (cepat respon opini publik or rapid response to public opinion), which is the application built for government employees.
He also urged citizens to download the app tailored towards them, which they’ve dubbed QLUE (whose acronym remains mysterious to us), which allows anybody to report problems they find throughout the city, such as potholes in the road, by taking a photo of it and filling out a short form that will then be relayed to the appropriate public official.

Ahok said the applications would allow the government to monitor the performance of each official by seeing how long it took them to respond to public complaints. “We can see the response through this application. If it takes them too long we will fire them,” Ahok said with a hint of menace.
The Head of Jakarta’s Department of Communication Information Technology (Diskominfomas), Agus Bambang Setiowidodo, said that, in addition to using QLUE, residents could also file similar reports by going to the website
Citizens can also file reports through a wide variety of different channels, such as email (, Twitter (@jakartagoid), Facebook, the official Jakarta government website (,, Lapor! 1708, and Waze (phew!)
Agus said the QLUE application can be downloaded from the Android Play Store (no iOS version yet, Ahok prefers Android because they’re cheaper).

“Complaints can include traffic, flooding, garbage, three-in-one jockeys, illegal parking, beggars, all can be reported based on the location and a picture,” Agus said.

All of the citizen reports filed through QLUE and other mediums can then be accessed by government officials and police officers through CROP.
This is exciting stuff and if it works it could have a huge impact on Jakarta. But do you think citizens and officials will actually use these apps? Let us know on Facebook!