Act of kindness: Where to donate for victims of New Year’s floods in Jakarta and beyond

The floods inundated thousands of homes and buildings across Jakarta, both in poor and wealthy neighborhoods. Photo: National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB)
The floods inundated thousands of homes and buildings across Jakarta, both in poor and wealthy neighborhoods. Photo: National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB)

The first day in 2020 was marked with major flooding in Jabodetabek (Jakarta and its surrounding cities of Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) as well as parts of West Java, due to the heavy rain that began on New Year’s Eve. 

As of today, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) recorded 169 flooded areas, most of which were in South Jakarta and Bekasi. At least 24 people have been confirmed dead and thousands were forced to flee their homes. 

While floods appear to have subsided in some parts of Jakarta as of this morning, many areas are still affected. 

At this time of need, we have gathered several online fundraising and distribution posts for those of you wanting to help the people affected by the floods and landslides: 

Adib Hidayat via Kitabisa

Indonesian music journalist Adib Hidayat is using online donation platform Kitabisa to crowdfund for the victims of the floods in Jakarta and its surrounding areas. Adib wrote that the fund will be used for food, medicine, blankets, milk for children and cat food. Donate here.


Aksi Cepat Tanggap

Humanitarian foundation Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) has opened a crowdfunding page on Kitabisa as well. The money will be used to fund community kitchens, purchases of mattresses and blankets, clean and drinking water, clothing (including underwear), milk, personal hygiene products, along with medicine and medical services. Donate here.


Sekolah Relawan

Volunteer education foundation Sekolah Relawan has evacuated people in several flooded areas in Bekasi. They also opened an aid distribution post, which needs food, diapers, lighting devices, and medicines. Donate here.


Rumah Zakat


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SITREP RUMAH ZAKAT ACTION PEDULI BANJIR JABOTABEK Update Informasi : Rabu, 01 Januari 2020 KRONOLOGIS KEJADIAN —————————————— Awal tahun baru 2020 sebagian besar wilayah Jabodetabek dilanda banjir setelah hujan dengan intensitas tinggi terjadi sejak Selasa (31/12). Berdasarkan laporan peringatan dini prakiraan cuaca yang dikeluarkan Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) sebelumnya, wilayah Jabodetabek memang diperkirakan turun hujan dengan intensitas menengah hingga tinggi pada pengujung tahun hingga awal tahun SEBARAN TITIK BANJIR JABOTABEK —————————————— – Jakarta Barat 7 Titik Banjir – Jakarta Pusat 2 Titik Banjir – Jakarta Selatan 39 Titik Banjir – Jakarta Utara 2 Titik Banjir – Jakarta Timur 13 Titik Banjir – Kab. Bandung Barat 1 Titik Banjir – Kota Tanggerang 4 Titik Banjir – Tanggerang Selatan 5 Titik Banjir – Kota Bekasi 58 Titik Banjir – Kab. Bekasi 27 Titik DAMPAK BANJIR —————————————— 1. Warga yang rumahnya terendam mengungsi ke tempat aman 2. PLN memadamkan listrik di beberapa titik banjir 3. Beberapa titik akses jalan terputus akibat banjir KEBUTUHAN MENDESAK —————————————— 1. Perahu Karet, Tenda Darurat, Selimut, Pakaian dewasa & anak anak. 2. Paramedis, Obat-Obatan 3. Makanan, Minuman, Air Bersih & MCK RESPON RUMAH ZAKAT ACTION BANJIR JABOTABEK —————————————— – Relawan 30 orang – Ambulance Rumah Zakat Action 5 Unit – Mobil Rescue 1 Unit -Perahu Karet 3 Unit – Food Truck 1 Unit POS RUMAH ZAKAT —————————————— Tanggerang, Banten. Ruko Victoria Park Jln. Imam Bonjol Block A2 No.19 A CP Silmi 085779302263 Lebak, Banten. Jln. Letjen R. Suprapto No . 25G CP Mujib 08814783165 Jakarta Ruko mitra matraman JLn Matraman Raya No. 148 Block A1 No 5a Jakarta Timur CP. Zufar 081298884030 Bekasi Jln. Dewi Sartika No. 94 RT.005 / RW 007 , Margahayu Kec. Bekasi Tim, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17113 CP. Faqih 085771826551 Bogor Jln. Pandawa Raya Blok B II no 8 RT 05 / rw 015 Bantarjati, Kota Bogor. Cp. 081316668677 Transfer Donasi: – Bank Syariah Mandiri 701 551 824 8 – Mandiri 132000 481 974 5 Link Donasi Klik : #RumahZakataction #Banjirjabotabek

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Islamic philanthropy foundation Rumah Zakat opened a crowdfunding page for inflatable boats, emergency tents, blankets, clothing for adults and children, medical needs, food, clean and drinking water, as well as sanitation products. Donate here.


Info Bandung Barat

Several areas in West Bandung are still affected by the flood. The news and information Instagram page for West Bandung, @infobdgbaratcom, are calling for donations for food, clothing, blankets, medicines, stationery and school uniforms, among others. You can donate via bank transfer or in the form of food and other needs by contacting the person on the poster above.


River Ranger Jakarta

The Ciliwung Condet area in East Jakarta, where the environmental preservation community River Ranger Jakarta is located, has also been affected by the floods. They’ll need help to fulfill the needs of the people in the area, including food, blanket, and stationery, among others. You may contact Nana via Whatsapp at +62 896 6301 1842 and donate to Andriana: 0231410163 (BNI).

Last but not least, here is a list of official aid distribution posts by the Jakarta Provincial Government:


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