15-year-old son of dangdut queen accused of running drug trafficking operation

Photo illustration of pills
Photo illustration of pills

Police in West Java may have arrested the youngest Indonesian drug trafficking boss in recent memory, with the added kicker being that he is the son of dangdut queen Lilis Karlina.

The Purwakarta Narcotics Unit arrested RD, a junior high school student, on Sunday after they were tipped off by the public about drug abuse in the regency.

“So a 15-year-old child controlled a narcotics operation by making a 26-year-old adult male his assistant. This is concerning for us,” Purwakarta Police Chief Edwar Zulkarnaen said in a press conference yesterday.

Edwar explained that RD bought the prescription drugs trihexyphenidyl and the opioid pain medication tramadol online before he sold them with the help of his accomplice. Police have confiscated more than 1,800 pills from RD.

Among his buyers were students and adults in Purwakarta, as well as in the neighboring regencies of Subang and Karawang.

Police charged RD with the illegal distribution of prescription drugs, which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. His adult accomplice is looking at up to 15 years in prison for violation of Indonesia’s Narcotics Law.

RD’s mother is ‘90s dangdut icon Lilis Karlina. The 48-year-old has so far refused to give any statements to the media regarding her son’s arrest.


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