Senior Minister Luhut Panjaitan: Members of LGBT community have rights and must be protected

For supporters of LGBT rights in Indonesia, it’s been a depressing few weeks since Minister of Research and Higher Education M. Nasir first spoke out about banning LGBT groups from Indonesian university campuses. His comments were followed up by those from other Indonesian leaders and politicians such as Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil who joined him in condemning LGBT rights, creating the current climate of “LGBT panic” in Indonesia that has led the government to shut down HIV seminars and try to ban pro-gay emoticons.

With the notable exception of Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, we have heard very little from any Indonesian politicians in terms of speaking out in favor of gay rights and standing up against the onslaught of anti-LGBT rhetoric.

But today one of Indonesia’s most high-ranking government officials, and a close advisor to President Joko Widodo, did just that.

At an event with the media today, Coordinating Minister for Legal, Political and Security Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan told reporters that members of the LGBT community are entitled to protection because they are Indonesian citizens who have equal rights under the law.

“We will protect LGBT individuals no matter who they are or what they do, because they are still citizens of Indonesia and have rights that should be protected,” he said as quoted by Metro TV.

Luhut also urged any groups who disagreed with LGBT groups to not act with violence, but to try and reach out to them through religion or counseling.

“I do not agree that [LGBT groups] should expelled, killed or anything. I want us, as a nation, to have dignity, because it is not their choice. We do not know what their family backgrounds are like,” he said.

Luhut did say he was grateful that none of his family members were part of the LGBT community, but conceded that it was always possible that his offspring or descendents may turn out to be gay.

“But I can assure you anything could happen. So do not be so quick to judge people. We should be introspective first,” he said.

While we have not always agreed with everything Minister Luhut has said, as Indonesians we are proud to see him standing up for LGBT individuals now. We hope that his words will give other Indonesian politicians who feel the same way the courage to speak up also.


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