VIDEO: Watch Americans (including porn star James Deen) taste test Indonesian snacks

In the latest in Buzzfeed’s series of videos in which American’s try out snacks from other countries and make semi-racist comments about them (choice quote from the above video – “Does Indonesia know what fish tastes like?”), the panelists takes on a variety of snacks from Indonesia. 

The tasters are weirded out by most of them, such as the “Spicy Roasted Fish Crackers” (“This looks like something you would have 3D-printed) and the Chiki Balls (“Do chicken have balls?”).

But what we were weirded out by was the fact that male porn star James Deen is unceremoniously included as one of the members of Buzzfeed’s tasting panel. No, we didn’t recognize him from porn (how could we even watch him in porn, we’re in Indonesia and obviously there’s no way to watch porn here…). 

But, like many of America’s most famous adult actors, Deen has dipped his… toes into the realm of legitimate acting with a role in the non-porn film “The Canyons,” which he starred in with Lindsay Lohan. And we only watched that because it’s a notoriously hilarious train wreck of a movie.

So why is Deen taste testing Indonesian snacks for Buzzfeed? Apparently he is friends with the bespectacled girl sitting beside him in the video, Gaby Dunn

So, there you have it – James Deen eats (Chiki) Balls and Buzzfeed has another video with over 1 million views so far. Go America!


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