KFC Indonesia now serves fried chicken skin for your enjoyment (or gluttony)

Get ready to clog up your arteries because KFC Indonesia is now selling the chicken skin by itself. Photo: Twitter/@KFCINDONESIA
Get ready to clog up your arteries because KFC Indonesia is now selling the chicken skin by itself. Photo: Twitter/@KFCINDONESIA

KFC aficionados the world over have long debated how best to optimize the chicken-eating experience: do you eat the crispy, succulent chicken skin first, or separate it from the meat and save the best for last?

But now that age-old conundrum is essentially moot in Indonesia, where KFC is making sure we’ll never be short of what makes their fast food tolerable in the first place — by selling deep-fried chicken skin all by itself.


The new dish was announced on Saturday through KFC Indonesia social media accounts. You can get an order of skin for just IDR13,636++ (US$0.94), but it’s only available at six KFC restaurants in Jakarta, specifically the outlets in MT Haryono, Salemba, Cideng, Kemang, Kalimalang, and Kelapa Gading. There have been no news regarding if or when it will be made more widely available.

KFC Chicken Skin has been met with excitement and open arms by many Indonesian netizens.

“The fasting temptation that makes me weak the most… KFC chicken skin!”

“I was already tired from the long queue only to find out that [the restaurant] was running out of the chicken skin. I want to cry @KFCINDONESIA. I heard the chicken skin at KFC Kalimalang have been out of stock since Maghrib prayer time.”

As well as jealousy from our neighbors.


But some who have tried the dish complained about its overwhelming saltiness and the small portion.

“My review of KFC Chicken Skin. It’s better to buy the chicken, eat the skin, give the meat to people who need it or a cat if you don’t want to [eat it]. They’re too salty, I’d rather buy Flip Burger’s chicken skin.

Are you still keen on clogging up your arteries with cholesterol with KFC Chicken Skin, even after the mixed reviews it has received?


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