Coconuts Bali Weird

Bali may be a lovely, beautiful paradise island, but “Pulau Dewata” is not immune to weird stuff happening. In fact, “weird” type stories seem to happen all the time here, so watch this space on Coconuts Bali from the truly most head-scratching stories going on in Bali. Whether there is an Australian dude swimming with a mega-long reticulated python in a swimming pool at a Balinese villa (for fun) or a Balinese guy so obsessed with spicy chili peppers that he uses a paste made from the peppers to scrub his face with, we will for sure tell you the weird happenings in Bali.

Buleleng police officer went full monty at traffic stop

A video went viral over the weekend showing a fully naked man was on his motorbike waiting at a traffic light in Buleleng. The man was later identified as a police officer who was on his way to work at the Buleleng Police station.


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