Snorkeler drowns in Nusa Penida

A Denpasar resident has died snorkeling in Nusa Penida, a small island to the east of Bali. 

Nyawa Julian Ulam Hutabarat, 42, had been snorkeling in the waters of Crystal Bay on Saturday. 

Hutabarat’s mother, Dameria Martha Taruki, 61, had reportedly been present on the beach at the time of the incident. 

Hutabarat, who reportedly started snorkeling around 9:30 am, had come up several times to the shore to drink water and then would return to the sea. But around 1:30 pm, Taruki became alarmed when Hutabarat hadn’t surfaced for some time. 

Taruki got help from local residents to search for Hutabarat, who was ultimately found floating, unconscious nearby, reports said.

Hutabarat was evacuated to a health center in Nusa Penida, but on arrival was declared dead. 

It’s alleged that Hutabarat became exhausted while snorkeling and drowned before being able to make it back to shore. 

“Regarding the incident, it’s alleged that the victim became fatigued and died while snorkeling and lots of water entered her body,” Nusa Penida Police Chief I Ketut Suastika told Tribun Bali


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