Senior citizen ‘fell up to his shoulders in crap’ in Bali sewer

It’s a long way down to the bottoms of these open Indonesian sewers, like this one in Jakarta
Some uncovered Bali sewers look so deep they could be black holes, with a whole different reality-shredding alternate universe inside.

However, one senior citizen’s fall into a Bali sewer revealed that there’s not much else but shit and infection waiting in those deep pits. 

Melbourne grandfather Adrian Kellerman, 69, is now fighting against a serious infection after “he fell up to his shoulders in crap,” the Herald Sun reports. Kellerman is on an antibiotic drip at Peninsula Private Hospital to hopefully take care of a deep cut on his right leg.

“He fell up to his shoulders in crap. He was covered in it, his shoes were full of it, it was all over him,” his wife, Maree Kellerman, said, as quoted by the Herald Sun. The Kelllermans were in Bali to celebrate his son’s 50th birthday. 

Kellerman went down when walking back from dinner in Legian. He reportedly tripped and fell right into a 170 centimeter deep hole of “human waste.” To make matters worse, this was right in the middle of a heavy downpour. 

“It was pitch black in the torrential rain and there was blood everywhere,” Maree Kellerman said.

“A doctor came out, cleaned it and stitched it and came back on Sunday. But I thought it still looked badly infected; I wasn’t happy with it,” she added.

Kellerman went home to Franston but reportedly checked into the hospital on Saturday because of his infection.

You would think an experience like this would make him never want to return to Bali again, but he’ll actually return to the island later this year for his grandson’s wedding. 

The family is surprisingly not hating on Bali after Kellerman’s fall and resulting injuries. “Even though it was horrific, it was a freak accident,” said Maree Kellerman.

“Just don’t go to Bali in the wet season.”

And if you happen to be in Bali during rainy season like so many of us, just watch your step and stay away from the edge.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons


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