Scary stuff: Aussie claims he was brutally bashed by Sky Garden security guards

An Australian man is now coming forward about a horrible attack that he alleges happened at Kuta’s popular Sky Garden night club earlier this month. 

The man, who has so far been successful at keeping his name out of the media, says he was on holiday in Bali with his pregnant fiancé when the incident happened around 1 am on Saturday, April 2. 

UPDATE Sky Garden: Altercation with Aussie involved 2 or more intoxicated ‘patrons’, not night club security

The 33-year-old Perth man was allegedly gangbashed by Sky Garden security following some sort of confrontation with a local pickpocket operating in the club, reports News Corp Australia. It’s alleged the several of the security guards slammed him to the ground, handcuffed him, kicked him repeatedly in the head, and then grabbed his phone and threw him out on the street. 

“They handcuffed me and beat the s*** out of me, that’s all I remember. They were security guards at Sky Garden,” he said in a video.

As police continue their investigation of the violent incident, we can’t say for sure what really went on that night, but you can see from the photos getting shared of the swollen and bloody-faced victim that he really did get a beating. 

He had emergency surgery in Bali and had a steel plate inserted in his skull, plastic surgery on his nose, and his eyebrow closed up with stitches, reports say.  

Bali Police remarked that this isn’t the first incident of its sort, where Sky Garden security guards, many of whom are Indonesian gang members, have attacked tourists, according to News Corp. 

Traditional village authorities in Kuta (Bendesa Desa Adat) have apparently given the club a final warning that they’ll be forced to close if these kinds of bloody attacks keep up. 


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