Prisoners use wet towels to smuggle meth into jail: Kerobokan official

Inmates at Kerobokan Prison can be resourceful and creative AF to get what they want smuggled into prison, especially when it comes to drugs. 

This has been made all the more evident by a smuggling strategy revealed that was revealed by an anonymous official at Kerobokan. 

He says some dealers have been using towels to send meth into the prison. 

According to the official, dealers put crystal meth on a towel and douse it with water so that the crystals become fused with the towel—and as long as the towel remains wet, the meth stays bound to the towel. 

“After getting the wet towel, the prisoner will dry the towel and the crystal meth will just detach from the surface of the towel,” the unnamed official told Tribun Bali on Sunday. 

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has previously caught traffickers passing drugs through with wet towels in Kerobokan, he added. 

But this towel modus operandi is just one of the many ways prisoners get drugs through prison security. The Kerobokan official alleges “unscrupulous” guards also have a role in letting illicit stuff through. 

And another method is people on the “outside” tucking illicit goods, namely meth, into rice wrappers—but only small quantities of the drug can be smuggled in this way. 

“If it’s just a small amount, then the x-ray equipment can’t pick it up,” he said. 

He also talked about dealers using slingshots to send drugs over prison walls, but explained that that’s rarely done. 

A glaring deficiency in Kerobokan Prison’s security was brought to the forefront last week, as a deadly brawl broke out between two of Bali’s biggest rival gangs and police found hundreds of machetes, arrows, and spears inside the jail and amongst gang members in the street. 

We can only hope that this incident forces the prison to better weed out through corrupt guards and make further security enhancements. 


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