Police target bule riding motorbikes without helmets

Dozens of foreigners driving motorbikes were reportedly netted by police in Kuta.

Though in Kuta, the Operation Patuh Agung was reportedly a joint effort by Denpasar Police. 

Denpasar Police Chief Made Sudana declared this operation is a response to public scrutiny that tourists have too much freedom driving around in Kuta, according to Merdeka

But they’re not just looking for foreigners without helmets—police say this raid is also making sure tourists have complete papers like proper driving licenses and registration. 

“The average bule caught in Operation Patuh Agung did not have complete documents such as driver’s license and vehicle registration and not wearing a helmet,” said Nyoman Nuryana of Denpasar Police. 

He said that 70 motorbikes were caught, but only 29 were confiscated. 

Photo posted to Bali expats Facebook group


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