The Denpasar Police have arrested a 22-year-old man in connection with a recent mugging incident caught on CCTV, one footage of which showed the suspect snatching away an item from the victim while both were on their motorbikes.
The suspect, identified as IWS, took an iPhone belonging to a 55-year-old American national, identified as JW, on Nov. 22. The incident occurred on Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai, and was caught by CCTV cameras installed in the area.
The footage shows JW, wearing a black shirt, turning into the entrance of a shopping area, with IWS tailing closely behind and then snatching the phone away from his back pocket. IWS then turned his bike around to get to the main street, as JW quickly realized what was happening and attempted to pursue him.
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However, JW fell from his motorbike after making a turn to pursue IWS, and the latter got away.
Police arrested IWS on Friday last week, based on details they’d gathered on the motorbike he’d used for the mugging. He was shot in the leg as he tried to evade arrest.
“Based on CCTV recording and witnesses’ statement, the team acquired details of the perpetrator, and we received information that the motorbike often passed by Jl. Taman Pancing,” Hadimastika Kartiko Putro, who heads the criminal investigation unit at the South Denpasar sub-precinct, said yesterday.
IWS also told the police he has mugged people in three other locations, namely in Ubud, Gianyar regency, and twice on Jl. Sunset Road.
Under Indonesia’s criminal code, theft is a crime punishable by up to five years in prison.
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