Mass eviction in Kampung Bugis, Bali sparks clash

Sparks flew in south Bali on Tuesday as residents resisted a village-wide eviction of south Denpasar’s Kampung Bugis when the neighborhood was bulldozed and flattened out. 

Kampung Bugis, a village long housing Bugis people hailing from south Sulawesi, reportedly stretched about 18,000 square meters in Serangan before its destruction following an apparent land dispute that went nuclear. 

A total of six machines were used by PN Denpasar to level around 36 houses in the village, according to Republika

As residents blocked the street and got more and more worked up while their homes were destroyed, Sabhara Police were deployed. 

In all the commotion with residents resisting the eviction, a police officer was even shot in the leg with an arrow, Merdeka reported. 

Reports of looting by bulldozing crews during the eviction have additionally surfaced

While the action started in the morning around 7 am, the destruction was finished by about 12:30 pm, local reports said. 

Despite the community’s destruction, Tribun Bali reports that a number of residents haven’t left the kampung, refusing to relocate with nowhere else to go. 


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