Italian man apprehended in Seminyak front yard sex scandal

Thirty-six-year-old Italian man LS (face blurred) was arrested by the Kuta Police on Sep. 14, 2023, after CCTV footage of him having sex with a local woman in front of a resident’s house in Seminyak went viral a week earlier. Photo: Denpasar Police.
Thirty-six-year-old Italian man LS (face blurred) was arrested by the Kuta Police on Sep. 14, 2023, after CCTV footage of him having sex with a local woman in front of a resident’s house in Seminyak went viral a week earlier. Photo: Denpasar Police.

A foreign male has been apprehended by the police after CCTV footage of him engaging in a sexual act with an Indonesian woman in the front yard of a house in Seminyak went viral last week.

LS, a 36-year-old Italian citizen, was taken into custody during his stay at a Kuta hotel on Thursday at around 1pm. He remains under police investigation.

Denpasar Police Chief Bambang Yugo Pamungkas stated: “We have apprehended the perpetrator and he is currently being questioned by the Criminal Investigation Unit at the Kuta Police Station.”

The explicit incident took place on Sept. 9 at approximately 12:45am, when the homeowner discovered LS and a local woman right in the middle of it before they were promptly escorted off the premises. 

Upon reviewing CCTV footage, it was evident that LS and the woman were engaged in a sexual act. The clip then went viral.  

Thanks to the CCTV footage, the police were able to identify and apprehend LS. Authorities are currently on the lookout for the woman involved in the incident.

LS told the police that he and the lady had gotten drunk at a local club and decided to find a hotel to continue their rendezvous. But before they could get a room, they decided to get down to business without considering the possibility of getting caught.


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