Foreign tourist and Indonesian woman caught having sex on local resident’s front yard

A clip allegedly depicting a foreign male tourist and an Indonesian woman engaging in a sexual act on a local resident’s front yard in Bali has been circulating on social media since the weekend. The incident has garnered significant attention, prompting local authorities to launch an investigation.

The event unfolded on Jalan Kayu Aya, Lingkungan Banjar Taman in Kerobokan at approximately 12:45am on Saturday. The homeowner’s dog’s incessant barking initially drew attention to the scene.

“At first, my husband thought someone was urinating in front of the house,” said the homeowner, Ayu Purwita, recounting the discovery as quoted by DetikBali

Upon investigating, Ayu’s husband was stunned by the couple’s lewd conduct, caught in the act on CCTV footage.

“It turned out, when we checked the CCTV, they were engaging in sexual activity,” she revealed.

The man involved was identified as a foreign national, while the woman was confirmed as an Indonesian citizen, discernible from the CCTV recording.

“The man was a foreigner, and the woman was Indonesian,” Ayu clarified.

The couple had brazenly vaulted over the fence adjacent to the gate, oblivious to the fact that their actions were being monitored.

“The front of the house was well-lit, the lights were on. The CCTV is always on, and the gate was locked. But they boldly jumped over the fence,” Ayu explained.

Upon discovery, the couple hastily fled, making their escape by leaping over the wall next to the front gate.

“They fled by jumping over the wall next to the front gate,” Ayu continued.

Expressing her frustration, Ayu revealed that such peculiar incidents in front of her house were not uncommon. She recounted previous instances of tourists vomiting and urinating indiscriminately.

In light of this latest incident, the homeowner intends to report the actions of the couple to the North Kuta Police Station, asserting that she will no longer tolerate such disruptive behavior. Local authorities are actively investigating the matter, with identities of the individuals involved still unknown.

North Kuta Police Crimes Unit Chief Komang Juniawan confirmed that the couple’s identities have not been determined yet and the police are still investigating the video.

Separately, Denpasar Police Chief Bambang Yugo Pamungkas affirmed, “It’s still under investigation for now.”

Acts of public indecency is a crime punishable by up to two years and eight months in prison.


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