Flash floods inundate Nusa Penida island this morning

Photos: Instagram
Photos: Instagram

Homes are flooded and roads are blocked by water in Nusa Penida island this morning, in what is reportedly the worst flood that the region has seen.

“At this time, several areas in Nusa Penida are experiencing flooding,” Nusa Penida District Head, I Komang Widiasa Putra, said today. 

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Klungkung started getting reports of flooding at 3am today, as residences and roads are inundated not only with water, but also mud, rocks, and wood. 

Several public facilities, including roads and at least one bridge, were reportedly damaged due to the flooding and subsequent mudslides. Officials have yet to tally damages from the disaster.

Thankfully, there have been no reports of any human casualties.


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