Even Thor wears a helmet: Indonesians praise Chris Hemsworth for obeying rules while riding motorcycle in Bali 

Screenshots: @chrishemsworth / Instagram
Screenshots: @chrishemsworth / Instagram

Chris Hemsworth may be able to beat up the Hulk and speak a bit of Bahasa Indonesia, but to some Indonesians, the most impressive thing the Australian actor has done recently is simply abide by Bali’s laws by wearing a helmet while riding his motorcycle around the island (unlike a lot of other foreigners who have made headlines recently for obnoxiously flouting the rule).

On Tuesday, Hemsworth posted a video montage to his Instagram account showing some of his recent adventures around Bali including surfing, eating and partying. But the thing that Indonesians took particular notice of is the fact that Hemsworth hid his golden locks beneath a helmet in the brief shots of himself and his wife, Elsa Pataky, riding around on a motorcycle.

If you look at the comments on the post, you’ll see that it’s been flooded by Indonesians praising Hemsworth for his helmet compliance. 

Some even praised the fact that he was wearing both a helmet and a shirt, which is sadly also a thing many tourists in Bali seem to have trouble with.

It can be an example for other tourists riding a motorcycle wearing a shirt and helmet according to the rules, well done Chris

As you can tell from the comments, issues surrounding foreigners disobeying traffic laws have become quite a hot topic in Bali, to the point that the island’s governor recently threatened to ban tourists from renting motorcycles entirely.

This commenter argued against that by saying that Hemsworth proves that some tourists are worthy. 

There you go Mr. Governor.. Don’t prohibit motorcycle rental.. Even Thor needs an Nmax [motorcycle] to enjoy Bali.. and make him a helmet ambassador.. 😂

An example of driving a motorbike correctly, wearing a helmet, not changing the vehicle license plate, this can be imitated by other foreign tourists

This isn’t the first time Indonesians have heaped praise on Hemsworth for something fairly ordinary, such as when he’s shown off his basic knowledge of Bahasa Indonesian during interviews.

But considering how big of an issue it’s become, and how dangerous Bali’s roads can be for those who don’t wear them, we think making Hemsworth Bali’s official helmet ambassador could be a mighty fine idea. 



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