Denpasar Satpol PP HQ attacked following Danau Tempe red-light district crackdown

A file photo of Danau Tempe, a red-light district in Denpasar. Photo: Denpasar’s Satpol PP.
A file photo of Danau Tempe, a red-light district in Denpasar. Photo: Denpasar’s Satpol PP.

A sudden and violent attack on the Denpasar Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) office situated on Kecubung I Street occurred in the early hours of Sunday morning. The attack reportedly took place after the Satpol PP apprehended 33 alleged sex workers from the Danau Tempe red-light district.

Local reports say that the assailants engaged in threats, office vandalism, and physical assault against the Satpol PP members. Their demands included the immediate release of the detained women involved in open solicitation.

“There has been an act of vandalism and assault against Satpol PP officers by a group of unidentified individuals at the Denpasar City Satpol PP Office,” said Bali Police’s spokesman Jansen Avitus Panjaitan in a public statement made available to reporters yesterday.

Jansen disclosed that three out of five Satpol PP members sustained significant injuries during the attack. One of the officers, identified by initials IKGA, suffered severe head lacerations, a split lip, bruising around the eyes, and is presently receiving intensive care at Wangaya Regional Hospital.

Additionally, four other Satpol PP officers bearing initials INB, AAMW, IGATY, and IMW, sustained facial lacerations and bruises.

The violent outbreak by dozens of unidentified individuals allegedly stemmed from the crackdown on sex workers in the Danau Tempe area in Denpasar at 11pm on Saturday. The Satpol PP officers had apprehended 33 women, allegedly involved in open solicitation, due to lack of proper identification.

Nyoman Sudarsana, Head of Public Order and Community Peace Division of Denpasar Satpol PP, detailed that the attack lasted for approximately 30 minutes. He mentioned that during the incident, the assailants aggressively shook the office gate while shouting.

Initially asserting their identity as military personnel, the group later claimed affiliation with local gangs. One of the individuals reportedly brandished a firearm, pointing it at the Satpol PP officers.

Subsequently gaining access, the group physically assaulted several Satpol PP officers using wooden objects and their bare hands. The attackers also inflicted damage on the official vehicles and motorcycles belonging to the Satpol PP.

“They shouted, saying ‘open up, or I’ll kill you’ while shaking and banging on the door. Eventually, the padlock handle came off, and they entered, launching an attack on the members,” said Sudarsana.

Following the attack, the 33 alleged sex workers reportedly managed to flee the premises as the Satpol PP office was stormed by approximately 25 unidentified individuals. It was reported that the alleged sex workers absconded upon the instructions of some of the attackers. 

“The female sex workers who were previously detained are also no longer present and have left the Satpol PP office,” revealed Jansen.

Authorities have reportedly apprehended four individuals suspected of orchestrating the attack on the Satpol PP office. An investigation is ongoing as the authorities are still questioning the suspects per this article’s publication. 


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