Denpasar City official charged in alleged IDR1 billion corruption case

Indonesian Rupiah bills. Photo: Pxhere
Indonesian Rupiah bills. Photo: Pxhere

A Denpasar City official has been named as a suspect in a corruption case for allegedly swindling IDR1 billion (US$69,589) worth of funds meant to procure items for traditional and religious ceremonies for communities in the city. 

The suspect, identified by his initials IGM, is accused of misappropriating funds from the regional budget for 2019 and 2020. According to reports, a team from the Denpasar District Attorney’s (DA) office began their investigation this April and have questioned hundreds of witnesses. 

“We have gathered evidence, and after an examination of the investigation … we have enough to declare him a suspect,” Denpasar District Attorney Yuliana Sagala said. 

Yuliana said they will soon hand over documents to the court, after which a trial will follow. 

IGM allegedly falsified documents and disobeyed existing rules for procurement. He is charged with violations of multiple articles under Indonesia’s Corruption Law, which carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

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