Chinese man drowns after swimming off Batubelig Beach

The body of a XFJ, a Chinese national who was swept away by the current at Batubelig Beach on Nov. 8, 2023, was found the next day by the SAR team. Photo: Obtained.
The body of a XFJ, a Chinese national who was swept away by the current at Batubelig Beach on Nov. 8, 2023, was found the next day by the SAR team. Photo: Obtained.

A Chinese national has tragically lost his life after he was swept away by the current at Batubelig Beach in Kerobokan yesterday afternoon. His body was found this morning. 

In a statement sent to Coconuts Bali, Search and Rescue (SAR) personnel from the Denpasar SAR Office said that they discovered the deceased victim floating at around 9am.

“At 8:50am, we located the target or victim still floating in the middle of the sea in front of Petitenget Beach, approximately 100 meters from the shoreline,” said Wayan Suwena, Head of Operations and Alert Section at the Denpasar SAR Office.

The body was subsequently evacuated by the jet ski team to Batubelig Beach and transported to Sanglah Hospital for further proceedings.

The Chinese man, identified as XFJ, was previously declared missing after he went for a swim off Batubelig Beach yesterday afternoon. XFJ and a Ukrainian woman, identified as MK, were both swept away by powerful currents during their afternoon swim at around 2:30pm.

MK, 30, was rescued by the lifeguards stationed at the Batubelig post. Tragically, her companion succumbed to the force of the waves.

Following the rescue operation, MK was evacuated and promptly transported to the nearest hospital. She is currently in stable condition.

“We received the report at 4:04pm local time,” Suwena explained.

Separately, the Badung Police Spokesman Ketut Sudana said that both XFJ and MK were accompanied by a friend, identified as OK, during their beach outing.

“The victims swam in the red flag area. They were hit by waves and swept away by the sea current. Meanwhile, the others managed to save themselves on the shore,” Sudana said yesterday.


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