Belgian man deported for overstaying visa by nearly a year

Photo: Singaraja Immigration Office.
Photo: Singaraja Immigration Office.

A Belgian national, known only as DD, was recently deported back to Brussels by Bali’s immigration authorities after overstaying his tourist visa for a staggering 322 days, which is well over 10 months.

DD’s encounter with the long arm of the law began on June 27 when Singaraja Immigration officers apprehended him during a routine patrol in Karangasem.

Initially, DD claimed to have arrived on the Island of Gods for a holiday. However, immigration officers discovered that his stay permit had expired on Aug. 9 of the previous year, meaning he had already overstayed by a whopping 322 days at the time of his arrest.

The 38-year-old individual had apparently been harboring intentions of seeking employment in Bali, but before he could pursue his aspirations, immigration authorities intervened.

As per Indonesian law, in addition to the deportation, DD will face a prohibition from reentering Indonesia for a period of six months, which may be extended for an additional six months.


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