Balinese uni student dies on Ijen hike

A trip to East Java’s Ijen volcano complex has ended horribly for a group of Bali university students. 

I Putu Deni Krosiawan, 20, a student originally from Jembrana, Bali, reporteldy died on Thursday after collapsing on the slopes of Ijen. 

Krosiawan, known by his friends as Oci, was a fifth semester student, studying law, at the National University of Education in Denpasar. 

Oci had reportedly been hiking Ijen with three other students. 

Artha, one of Oci’s classmates on the hike, told Kompas News that the group left from Jembrana, West Bali on Wednesday. 

Oci was apparently a nature lover (clear from his Instagram account which is filled with stunning outdoor shots) and this time at Ijen was far from his first volcano trek—Oci had even hiked Ijen seven times before, according to Artha. 

“We wanted to take a selfie, but he suddenly fell over. I thought he was in a trance. Having realized that he fainted, I cried out for help. Finally, I came down to look for help, while two mof my friends stayed with Oci above,” Merdeka quoted Artha as saying. 

With the help of sulfur miners on Ijen, Oci was evacuated down the mountain and taken to Blambangan Hospital in an ambulance. 

Licin Banyuwangi police chief, Jupriadi, told media that Oci was already dead by the time he arrived at the hospital. 

Oci’s cause of death has not yet been clearly determined. A report by VIVA News has Chief Jupriadi speculating his death could have been a result of inhaling toxic fumes that Ijen is so well known for. 

Whereas a Merdeka report has the same police chief wondering if it could have been exhaustion that lead to Oci’s untimely death. 

Clearly, we need medical, forensics experts to speak on this. 

Several images of Oci at Banyuwangi have been uploaded to his account following his death on Thursday. Apparently done by his sibling, the posts pay tribute to Oci and wish him “selamat jalan” (RIP).




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