Ayu Wulantari, a 23-year-old Instagram celebrity from Bali, reportedly committed suicide by jumping from the fourth floor of a hotel in Jimbaran on Saturday morning. The widely reported incident has been met with Indonesians pouring their prayers and condolences on social media over the weekend.
Police say Ayu was promptly taken to a local hospital after her jump, but doctors pronounced her dead upon arrival. An eyewitness, identified as TAS, said that Ayu initiated a conversation with him prior to jumping, wherein she questioned if jumping from the fourth floor would lead to death.
TAS responded and told Ayu not to jump, to which she replied that she was only going to sunbathe. TAS then left the area to go downstairs, and Ayu reportedly jumped not long after this.
“She sustained heavy injuries on her legs and the front of her head,” Yusak Agustinus, chief of the South Kuta sub-precinct, said.
According to reports, Ayu was still in college and worked as a midwife in Bali. She has over 206,000 followers on Instagram and more than 64,000 followers on TikTok. Many Indonesians expressed their condolences by flooding the comment section of her posts with prayers, while a number popular Bali-based community accounts also dedicated posts for Ayu.
Indonesia currently does not have a dedicated government-run suicide prevention hotline, but if you or anyone you know is suffering from depression and/or contemplating suicide, you can get more information and resources from several local NGOs dealing with mental health and suicide prevention, such as intothelightid.org.
Read more news and updates from Bali here.