Bali police look into medical waste recycling allegations

Bali Police have their hands full at the moment with continuing investigations of the alleged medical waste recycling scandal of five hospitals in Bali. 

Bali police were reportedly tipped off by their regional East Javanese police counterparts. 

“We will immediately follow up on the findings of the East Java Police,” Bali Police Chief Ronny Sompie said on Monday to Tribun Bali.

East Java regional police had managed to dismantle the practice of irregularities in the processing of biohazardous medical waste that was sold to pharmacies and hospitals in Bali, after going through a sorting process, according to Tribun. 

This waste is said in reports to include things like needles, as well as drug bottles. Eep. 

“Waste that was still good was collected, then sold again to hospitals and pharmacies in East Java and Bali. Whereas waste that cannot be sold was shipped to a a container depot in Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. There are six private and public hospitals involved in the processing of biohazardous medical waste,” Maruli Siahaan of East Java Police said on Friday in Surabaya, as quoted by Tribun Bali. 

The director of Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar, one of Bali’s main hospitals, did not hold anything back when commenting on the major ick factor of recycling medical waste. 

“Of course it’s really dangerous if medical waste is reused in medical services, because then sterility cannot be guaranteed,” Dr. I Gusti Lanang Suartana Putra told Tribun. 

Photo: Illustration


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