Bali Governor Wayan Koster says Bali is prepared to host FIFA U-17 World Cup

Wayan Koster. Photo: Facebook/Nank Inten
Wayan Koster. Photo: Facebook/Nank Inten

Bali Governor Wayan Koster has declared that Bali is ready to host the FIFA U-17 World Cup in 2023. Koster, echoing the sentiments of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), expressed unwavering support for the event.

“We wholeheartedly back the U-17 World Cup,” Koster told reporters yesterday at the Bali Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) office.

The U-17 World Cup is scheduled to take place from Nov. 20 to Dec. 2, 2023. However, eager fans and local authorities alike are still left in suspense as FIFA and PSSI have yet to reveal the exact provinces that will have the honor of hosting this prestigious tournament.

“We are more than ready to assume the role of host. Whether or not we are chosen remains uncertain. Nevertheless, should the opportunity arise, we are fully prepared to seize it,” the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician added. 

This announcement comes on the heels of PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir’s call for unity between the central and local governments to ensure the smooth execution of the U-17 World Cup. Indonesia has been granted a second chance to prove its mettle on the global football stage, following the disappointing loss of hosting rights for the U-20 World Cup back in May.

It should be noted that Koster’s public rejection (along with that of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, another PDI-P politician) toward Israel’s participation at the U-20 World Cup led to FIFA stripping Indonesia of its hosting rights.

It’s unlikely that we will see a repeat of that embarrassing episode, as Israel did not qualify for the U-17 World Cup.


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