Bali flights resume after Rinjani volcano eruption

Lombok’s Mt. Rinjani has erupted for another time on Monday afternoon, disrupting the travel plans of a number of passengers. 

However, the volcanic ash doesn’t seem to be giving Bali AS much trouble today. While Jetstar announced that three of today’s flights were cancelled, TigerAir and Virgin have flights still scheduled, but say they will provide further updates, AAP reported. 

“The latest advice from our team of meteorologists and the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre is that conditions in the vicinity of Denpasar Airport have improved overnight,” the update, posted to TigerAir’s website on Tuesday morning reads. 

Travelers planning on flying today should still check in with their airlines though—conditions could always change, you never know. 

A total of 13 domestic and international flights scheduled through Denpasar’s Ngurah Rai Airport were cancelled yesterday, while Lombok’s airport has remained closed until this morning, Bali Airport General Manager Trikora Harjo told Tribun Bali earlier.   

Last year, Rinjani erupted in November, which also put a pin in a lot of people’s Bali trips. 


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