Aussie caught stealing Viagra from a pharmacy in Kerobokan

Photo: Screengrab.
Photo: Screengrab.

An Australian man identified by his initials KJB was apprehended by the Bali Police for pilfering sildenafil, AKA Viagra, from a local pharmacy. 

As seen in a CCTV footage that went viral, the tattooed foreigner, who was bare-chested at the time of committing the crime, made off with the potency-enhancing pills on Sept. 16.

North Kuta Police Crimes Unit Chief Komang Juniawan revealed that the authorities acted swiftly in response to the viral footage circulating on social media. They successfully tracked down KJB to a villa in the Bumbak district of North Kuta on Monday. 

Reports say that KJB, accompanied by his friend TLM, arrived at the pharmacy at 6:24pm on Sept. 16, where they reportedly sought information about a specific medication from a drugstore employee. The attendant then handed over a box of the sought-after potency enhancer to the shirtless visitors.

KJB and TLM returned the box, inquiring about an alternative. Engaging in conversation, the pair eventually left the premises. However, unbeknownst to the storekeepers, a strip of Viagra had been clandestinely tucked into KJB’s trouser pocket.

It was only when the store had emptied of patrons that the staff realized that four pills of the medication were conspicuously absent in the returned box. The footage of the incident subsequently garnered widespread attention, prompting a swift response from the authorities.

Juniawan acknowledged an amicable resolution between the victim and the perpetrator, stipulating that the Australian traveler would have to reimburse the pharmacy for the purloined medication, amounting to IDR740,000 (US$48).


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